MR Start English

Home - Cursussen - Medezeggenschap - MR Start English

MR Start is the basic course for working as a member of the MR/PC in primary and secondary education
Duration: 2,5 uur – Physical or online – Organized specifically for your PC

About this course:

If you are new to the Participation Council (PC) in primary or secondary education, or if you want to assess your basic knowledge again, then the MR Start course is the course for you. It is important for PC members to have a solid understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and rights. Every school must have a PC, where staff members, parents, and (in secondary education) students come together to make important decisions about school policies. PC members represent the stakeholders and actively contribute with critical and constructive thinking to the Competent Authority (CA).

During MR Start, you will gain insight into the formal and informal position of the Participation Council (what it entails). We will discuss the various rights and responsibilities of the PC, as well as examine the documents that the PC should be familiar with and the position of the MRPCwithin the school organization. With the knowledge you acquire during this course, you will have a solid foundation for understanding the legal aspects of PC work.

In the first part of the course, we focus on the role and position of the PC within the school organization. How can the PC both exercise control over the administration and represent the constituency while also initiating its own actions? And how do the PC, the GPC (General Participation Council), the administrator, and the school management relate to each other? Additionally, in this part, we discuss how PC members are elected in accordance with the Law on Participation in Education (WMS) and explore the general responsibilities of the PC.

In the second part, we delve deeper into the WMS and the rights that the PC possesses: the right to receive information, to initiate actions, to engage in consultations, to provide advice, and to give consent on certain proposals. What are the specific implications of each right, and what procedures are established for them? The objective of this part is for the PC to become acquainted with some of its own rights and to know where these rights are outlined in the law.

In the third and final part, we will delve into several important documents that every PC member should be familiar with. The WMS includes national agreements regarding the organization of participation, but there are also matters determined at the foundation or school level. For example, there is a participation charter at the foundation level that addresses the organization of participation within the foundation. Additionally, each (G)MR/school has its own participation regulations with agreements, including the number of PC members, how the PC communicates with the stakeholders, and timeframes.

After this course:

  • you will be familiar with the role and position of the PC in the school;
  • you will be acquainted with the key powers of the PC;
  • you will know which documents and facilities are of importance.

Download the course folder MR Start English

  • Practical information

    Number of participants
    The number of participants per group is limited to maximum 15 participants to make sure that there are enough possibilities for asking questions and having discussions.
    Would you like to organise this course for your PC/organisation with more participants? Contact us for the possibilities.

    Target group
    The course is suitable for anybody who would like to learn about participation in the field of education. As well as for members of the (G)PC, school directors, school boards, secretaries of the PC and all other people that are involved with participation on schools.

    The course takes up 2,5 hours, including a short break. From the participants it is expected that they make a preparatory exercise beforehand and there is reading material for after the course.

    It is possible to organise this course for your (G)PC physical as well as online. Press the blue button ‘Aanvragen’ on the bottom of the page. We also offer this course as open enrollment, for which you can register on one of the planned moments at the bottom of the page.


    The participanten receive physical as well as digital materials.

    Physically the participants will receive:

    • Werkmap medezeggenschapsraad, containing among other documents a format for a work plan, examples of agendas and meeting minutes, a list with abbreviations and the current text of the Wet medezeggenschap op scholen (WMS).

    Digitally the participants will receive:

    • Hand-out of the PowerPoint (to print and have with you during the course for making notes)
    • Text article 10-19 WMS (to keep at hand digitally during the course)
    • Take home exercises (two, for after the course)
    • Preparatory exercise (to fill in beforehand)

  • Pricing

    For your organization
    To organise this course for your organisation, click on the blue button ‘Aanvragen’ below.

    • Members: €932,50 | Max. 10 participanten. In case of more participants an extra fee of €42,50 per person will be charged.
    • Non-members: €1.097,50 | Max. 10 participations. In case of more participants an extra fee of €50,- per person will be charged.

    Above mentioned amounts are exluding travel costs (dependent on the travel time and distance) and customisation costs (€152,50), so the course leader can have a preparation meeting with the applicant and read important documents in advance.

    Individual enrollment
    You are able to enroll for one of our dates below.

    • Members: €182,75 per person
    • Non-members: €215,- per person

    Kosten voor deze cursus worden vergoed
    All reasonably necessary costs for the work as a PC member, including training. costs, are at the expense of the school board (article 28 paragraph 2 WMS). The costs of this course are therefore compensated by the school leider or the school board. Asking for permission is not required. However, do inform the school leadership in advance about the costs and the purpose. This also applies to the VOO-membership. Become a member of the VOO as a (G)PC and receive 15% discount on this and all our other courses, on guidance and make use of the VOO Helpdesk.

    lle redelijkerwijs noodzakelijke kosten voor het werk als MR-lid, scholingskosten daaronder begrepen, komen ten laste van het bevoegd gezag (artikel 28 lid 2 WMS). De kosten van deze cursus worden dan ook vergoed door de schoolleiding of het schoolbestuur. Toestemming vragen is niet nodig. Stel het bevoegd gezag wel vooraf op de hoogte van de kosten en het doel ervan. Dit geldt ook voor het VOO-lidmaatschap. Word als (G)MR lid van de VOO en ontvang 15% korting op deze en alle andere cursussen, op begeleiding en maak gebruik van de VOO Helpdesk.

  • Reviews

    Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de evaluaties die cursusdeelnemers direct na afloop van de cursus hebben ingevuld.

    U kunt rechtsboven op cursusnaam filteren en zo per cursus de evaluatiecijfers en opmerkingen zien. Dit dashboard wordt real-time bijgewerkt.

Meer informatie

Bel met ons cursusbureau via 036 - 533 15 00 of mail [email protected].

In-company U kunt MR Start English voor uw eigen organisatie organiseren. Aanvragen
Korting Leden krijgen 15% korting op de cursus.


Inschrijven bestaat uit twee stappen. Zoek eerst de geschikte locatie en datum. Bij de tweede stap vult u uw gegevens in.

  • MR Start English online on October 9th from 7-9.30pm
    09 oktober 2024

    1. Welke datum wenst u?

    2. Wat zijn uw gegevens?

    3. Wat zijn de gegevens van de deelnemers?

    Als u zelf ook deelneemt aan de cursus, vul uw gegevens dan hieronder nogmaals in. U kunt via dit formulier maximaal 5 personen per keer per cursus inschrijven. Als u meer dan 5 personen wilt inschrijven, dan raden we aan de cursus voor uw organisatie te organiseren, omdat dit voordeliger is. Gebruik hiervoor de blauwe knop 'Aanvragen' boven dit formulier. Wilt u toch meer dan 5 personen inschrijven voor deze cursus, verstuur het formulier dan met 5 ingevulde deelnemers en vul het formulier hierna opnieuw in met de rest van de deelnemers.

    4. Wat zijn de gegevens van uw school/organisatie

    Dit zijn de factuurgegevens van uw school/organisatie, zodat we de factuur kunnen versturen.

    5. Overige

    De VOO houdt leden van medezeggenschapsraden en andere bij de medezeggenschap betrokkenen op de hoogte van belangrijke ontwikkelingen via onze nieuwsbrief. Deze verschijnt in beginsel in elke schoolweek. Uitschrijven is altijd weer mogelijk.

Bram Buskoop

Bram is beleidsadviseur bij de VOO en houdt zich in het bijzonder bezig met medezeggenschap.

Meer over Bram

MR Academie

Dé online leer- en kennisdeelomgeving voor medezeggenschap!

Bekijk cursus

Four weeks VOO Helpdesk for free

Participants of this course have the right to contact the VOO Helpdesk for four weeks after the course, where they can ask all their questions regarding education and participation. The helpdesk is reachable per e-mail and phone every school day, between 10 am and 1 pm.

Vraag de cursus 'MR Start English' voor uw organisatie aan

Vraag vrijblijvend een offerte aan voor deze cursus voor uw organisatie. We nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op voor het bespreken van de aanvraag.

"*" geeft vereiste velden aan

A. Wat zijn uw gegevens?

2. Wat is uw e-mailadres?*

B. Wat zijn de gegevens van uw organisatie?

Dit zijn de factuurgegevens van uw school/organisatie, zodat we daar de factuur naartoe kunnen zenden.
5. Wat is het adres van uw school/organisatie?

C. Wat zijn uw wensen?

7. Wilt u dat we de cursus bij u op locatie of online (via Zoom) verzorgen?*
Dit veld is bedoeld voor validatiedoeleinden en moet niet worden gewijzigd.